Determined children and temper tantrums

Determined children and how to manage tantrums in toddlers

As a parent of a young child, you have probably experienced one or more situations where your child suddenly explodes into a tantrum. It is completely normal, especially in toddlerhood, for children to test their limits and try to develop their independent selves. Being firm and sometimes saying "no" is an important part of their development, but dealing with outbursts of anger can be frustrating. Here are some tips to help you navigate these challenges:

Why do tantrums occur?

Tantrums often occur when a child is overwhelmed by their emotions, especially frustration. Young children have not yet learned to regulate their emotions and react strongly when they do not get what they want or feel misunderstood. They can get frustrated when they want to express their will but don't have the right tools to communicate effectively.

How can you deal with angry outbursts?

  1. Stay calm : Your child often takes his emotional cue from you. Staying calm and collected during a tantrum can help the child calm down more quickly.

  2. Set clear boundaries : Children need consistent rules. If they know what is expected of them, the risk of angry outbursts is reduced. But when boundaries are broken, stick to them without losing your cool.

  3. Validate their feelings : Young children often want to feel understood. Validating their feelings by saying things like "I understand you're angry, but it's not okay to throw toys" can help them feel seen and heard.

  4. Give options : When your child is determined to do something that is not allowed, give them two options that are both acceptable to you. It can feel like they are in control while you still set boundaries.

  5. Distract : Sometimes a simple distraction can be the best tool. Offer a new activity or ask a fun question to get the child to focus on something else.

Understand your child's needs

It is important to remember that a tantrum does not necessarily mean that your child is disobedient. Often it is an expression of their frustration at not being able to communicate or understand a situation. By offering support, patience and love, you can help your child develop their emotional skills and better manage their emotions.

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